torsdag 18 september 2014

8a: The Giver - Chapter 4

Listen and read chapter 4. Listen and read at the same time! It will improve your spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation and reading comprehension. Answer the following questions after the chapter:

1. Why doesn't Jonas do his volunteer work with Asher very often?
2. Describe Fiona.
3. Why is it really important to complete the required number of volunteer hours?
4. Describe the House of the Old.
5. What are Jonas' feelings about nakedness?
6. What new information do we get about the society from reading this chapter?

Further assignments:
1. Translate to passage on page 27 beginning with "Jonas was impressed..." and ending with "...easy to break." into Swedish.
2. Record yourself reading the first page of chapter 5.

Remember! You've got 20 words from chapter 4 as homework for next Thursday. They're at

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